Thursday, November 23, 2017

Fall 2017
1) MVP   (sample posts)
2) Weather
3) Survey
(sample posts)
4) Random Facts (sample facts)
5) Quotes  (sample posts)

6) SWEN/ Posts on Blog
7) This Day In History  (sample posts)

8) Question Tally  P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6 / P7 (sample posts)
9) Misc How to add sheets?

a) P6 Ryan's Pun of the Day         
b) P4 Question of the Day Encounter        
c) P3 Koko's Learned Lesson
d) P5 Manan's P-Ville Calendar
10) a) Daily Analysis  b) Investment Info  c) Shingo's Chart                                                                                                    (old)

King P would like to see P-Ville Citizens continually developing all of P-Ville including the Daily Announcements. P-Ville is for you, the people, to develop and evolve. As King P says, "Vive le evolution!"